
Our policy stands until 30 days after the date of sale. In order to be eligible for return, you must take a photo of the product you wish to be returned including your name, address and order number and send to The item must be in the same condition as you received it and unused. Then, wait for further instructions via email.


Once your return is received and inspected, you will receive an email once the item is received along with notification if the return is approved or rejected. If the return is approved, a refund will be granted and will take 5-10 business days to appear onto your account.


Items are only approved for exchange if they are defective or damaged. Used or unsealed items will not be accepted. If an exchange is warranted, send an email with your name, order number and product. Then, wait for further instruction.


You must send the email to initiate the return. You will be responsible for shipping cost and shipping is a non-refundable charge. Therefore, if you receive a refund the original shipping cost will be deducted from the refund total. Depending on location, shipping times will vary. Shipping times listed under each product are estimated and refunds will not be issued for products that take longer than the estimated time listed.