Colors & Their Energy
Did you know that colors have their own energy? Light is a wave and color is simply the frequency of that wave. Therefore, each color of light has different wavelengths and energy. I have listed colors below and their energy properties for you to incorporate into your journey.
White: Purity, truth, sincerity, protection, meditation, health, blessings and spiritual growth
Yellow: Communication, mental clarity, cooperation, charm, friendship, business, success, persuasion and healing
Gold: Solar energy, God force, power, physical strength, success, achievement, prosperity and confidence
Lavender Purple: Spiritual development, psychic growth, divination, blessings and sensitivity
Pink: Honor, emotional love, romances/new love, friendship and morality
Orange: Attraction, motivation, mental energy, clear thinking, harmony, expansion, happiness, encouragement and adaptability
Red: Passion, energy, power, strength, courage, achievement, vigor, magnetism, lust, aggression
Light Blue: Healing, peace, calm, friendship, hope, meditation, balance, decision making, tranquility, understanding and patience
Dark Blue: Changeability, removes impulsiveness, depression and subconscious blocks
Green: Money, finance, balance, promotion, job finding, luck, prosperity, fertility and brotherly love
Purple: Intuition, power, spiritual communication, influences those in high positions, relieves tension, ambition and business progress
Brown: Endurance, stability, home security, materialization, court, hesitation and uncertainty
Silver/Gray: Cancellation, neutrality, statement, hesitation, stops stress, Goddess connection
Black: Removes hexes, hatred and evil, absorb negativity, loss, confusion and can also place hexes