Astrological Houses & What They Mean

In Astrology, there are 12 houses in a birth chart that represent different areas on an individuals life. The second you were born, the planets were all in specific signs and houses. When reading your individual birth chart, you will look at the meaning of each planet, the house it’s in, and the sign it’s in. (At this time The Enchanted Compass does not offer chart reading services, but stay tuned as that is subject to change!) The Zodiac Signs show HOW planets express themselves and the houses show WHERE. Everyone has all 12 houses in their birth chart, but not all planets!

1st House: Represents self, appearances, beginnings, first impressions and your attitude

2nd House: Money, values, work, environment and daily routines

3rd House: Connections, siblings, friends, neighbors, and community

4th House: Home, roots, family, your emotional foundation

5th House: Romance, play, self-expression and creativity

6th House: Health, fitness, organization and acts of services

7th House: Relationships, mutuality, sharing and marriage

8th House: Intimacy, sex, bonding, shared money and property

9th House: Higher learning, travel, study, morals and ethics

10th House: Career, goals, achievements, fame, success and public image

11th House: Groups, friends, social causes and society

12th House: Endings, healing, closure and spirituality

The Wheel is numbered counter clockwise beginning with self and continuing to expand outward.



