
Have you ever been at the right place at the right time? Have you ever looked at the clock and saw 3:33 across the screen? Have you ever wanted something and then it was delivered to you? Have you been walking and noticed a white feather or a coin on the ground? These are examples of an angel experience. In this blog, I will share information I’ve learned about Angels and share tips on how to connect with them.

Contrary to popular belief, we actually have many angels and not just one. You have different angels according to different needs and phases of your life. Depending on where we are spiritually, could depend on how quickly they are able to respond. The angels or universe will allow us to have what we are ready for. When we are desperate for an answer and get impatient, try to remember there is a lesson in the waiting period. Trust that you’ve already been heard and your answer is on the way. Keep the faith with a light hearted spirit, do not focus on lack but the feeling of receiving and log any experiences or hints you receive.

Angels must use our laws of nature to accomplish their missions. For Instance, using a friend to convince you to take an opportunity or creating a delay causing you to avoid a collision.

There are also different types of angels, and you are directly responsible for the angels you attract. Your vibe attracts your tribe and that is not limited to your social circle. Examples include:

  • Shadow angels act as your opponent providing pressure to fuel your ego. Shadow angels will challenge your strengths and weaknesses giving you the opportunity for growth. Ways you can attract shadow angels are lying, stealing, cheating, complaining, cruel humor, holding on to anger etc.

  • Nature angels work with the Earth and it’s energies. Have you noticed society is taken an interest in learning how to grow our own food, learning to obtain fresh clean water etc? That is the work of our nature angels and ancestors guiding us back home to our roots. Connect with this energy by planting trees, continue to learn and bring plants inside the home.

  • Research different angels and see if you are drawn to a type or specific angel. Fuel that connection and strengthen that bond.

Our angels are here to guide and assist not control. When you are feeling unhappy, stuck or frustrated we are actually just feeling disconnected from our guides. So how can you help your spiritual team help you?

One way you can play with your angels is to grab a book. State your question and close your eyes. Randomly pick a page and place your pointer finger on a word (if you land on a blank space you can pick again) Repeat this until you have 3 words and write them down. Can these words be applied to your question in any way? If not, try again. Developing a connection can take time, be patient. Another way to connect is to simply ask. “I call upon the angels I need most at this time to connect with me in a way I can see, hear or feel you.” Next, you could also write a letter, create a special space such as a garden or altar, meditate with angel aura crystals or ask for dream visits.

You have an entire spiritual team behind you, embrace the frequency and let them guide you!


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