Questions For Your Guides
Your spirit and or ancestral guides want to connect with you. If you are like me, a day is full of constant noise and motion. Slowing down and learning to pick up on signs and communications can be challenging. Give yourself grace and do your best to set aside some quiet time. If you find it nearly impossible try this. Before you step foot out your door or into your bathroom, say in your mind or aloud “To my spirit guides, I am here and I want to connect with you please show me you are here” and move on with your day just try to be mindful of any signs that may appear as you requested.
Continue to reach out with questions such as but not limited to:
What is your name (You may have more than one and you can also ask if there are more than one guide present)
How can I continue to recognize your presence? (Pay attention if a word comes to mind your eyes are drawn to an object you may also ask for clarification)
Why have you chosen to be my guide? (This can help you figure out when to call upon this guide and how to deepen the connection and to progress on your path)
What are you here to teach me?
How can I show you gratitude? (This can strengthen your bond to where it is not just a take relationship)
What sign can you show me when I am on the right path? (Little cues can help boost your confidence when you know you are on the right track and at that time you can also refer to how to show thanks to your guide)
What do I need to work on? (Pay attention to any words or symbols that appear in your minds eye or in front of you)