Water Magic
Water magic has endless possibilities on uses and purposes. Described below are guidelines that I have found along with purposes for each form of water and each body of water. Please always research an area if you want to use water from a natural body. You could accidentally tap into unwanted energies. Always be respectful, give thanks and be safe and have fun in your practice!
As we know water has 3 states, solid, liquid and gas. Each form can be utilized for different purposes in magic.
Ice: To freeze something or someone; to prevent an action. Place a belonging, a photo or write on a piece of paper what or whom you are trying to stop in a jar or container. Fill with water and place in the back of the freezer. You can get fancy and add some herbs or seal the jar with red or black wax.
Defrosting water: Thaw a frozen heart (use a photo, written name on paper or a belonging of said person), get an area of your life flowing again (written words on paper or a corresponding item in a bowl of snow or ice and let it thaw - fresh snow can also be used as cleansing water)
Steam/Mist: A steamed mirror from the shower can be used for beauty or cleansing sigils, affirmations, or even messages to be sent to the other realm (Not a huge fan on recommending the last use because it can be very tricky to make sure your message gets to the correct person and you don’t want to open a portal, if you lock the mirror the message may not get through and again you could let in unwanted energies - I do recommend to always have locked mirrors!)
Now for the largest section, water in its liquid form. There will be many sub sections since different bodies of water will always be described. Using water in a liquid form is also pretty open to how you would like to use it. For example you can put your intentions on paper, place it in the bowl with the specified water and let it sit for 3 days and return it to the Earth. Listen to your inner guide and have fun with this part!
Storm water/Rainwater: Use storm water for an extra punch or extra protection of any spell or intention. Rain with sunshine is used to incorporate a beautiful warm energy to your intentions especially with growth and creativity. Rainwater on a cloudy day is associated with shadow work, resting, invisibility and even protection.
Swamp water: Since swamp water is typically infused with decaying plants, think of cycles coming to an end or a chapter or maybe a bad habit or an intention with hiding.
Mud: Burying old cycles/grounding. I love letting my kids play in the mud… I know I know.. but it is such an amazing way for kids to connect with Earth energies and hear me out.. its a great way for anyone at any age. When families play in the mud think of the happiness, connection and joy that comes about. You are creating a harmonious energy while being connected to source which will vibrate back through you. Because life is give and take. What you give you will receive.
Ocean Water: UNLIMITED USES! Deity connection, healing, protection, cleanings, banishing, grounding. If you do not live near an ocean like myself, if you are fortunate enough to travel near one sometime in the future bring a bottle or bottles with you to collect while you are there. Please do not just take water without first showing gratitude, thanks and even asking permission to use and offering something such as picking up some garbage on the beach.
Ponds and Lakes: Can be considered portals in certain areas. The water can be used for relaxation, revitalizing spells, you can use lake water to calm a situation or an argument or gazing (similar to mirror work or fire gazing). If safely able, taking a full dip after a spell to cleanse or revitalize feels so cleansing!
Rivers: Send it down river! River water is about moving forward, cleansing and getting unstuck or sending things on its way. If you are able to, safely of course, sit in the river with the river hitting your back and envision whatever needs to flow to flow out and down stream. (One of my FAVORITES!) It is believed that rivers are also portals to the underworld. As depicted in thousands of movies and texts, the story is a caretaker with a longboat will come and transport you to the underworld if you have an offering or direct purpose. The lore depends on which part of the world you reside.
Waterfalls: I LOVE WATERFALLS! So beautiful and such powerful energy! Perfect for empowerment, cleansing, purification, beauty, strength and releasing. Waterfalls are extremely powerful so do not stand beneath a waterfall that is massive and can cause injury. Sit near it if you can, there are certain locations across the states that have waterfalls to where you can stand beneath them when light enough. Please read state park warning signs and do not try and stand under any pounding falls that will cause injury.
If you live near a body of water, you can align with that spirit(s) or deity(s). Bring a blanket or simply take a seat near the water, you can gaze and ask for connection. You can hover your hands above the water or walk up to your knees and connect with the water. State your intentions and that you mean no harm. Clear up near by trash. You can state something like “I am a child of water, I would like to seek and to connect with the spirits of this river”. You may stand still or return to the bank and have a seat and wait and listen. Pay attention to any signs such as a fish out of water, a water bird and take note. Ask for clarification if needed and don’t be discouraged if it takes time.
Tools: Cauldron, chalice, bowl, driftwood, mirrors, shells, bones, crab claws, pearls, plants, sea glass, witches balls, sharks teeth, hagstones (stones with natural holes from running water - represent veginal canal/birth, cramps, childbirth, healing, protection, windows to the faerie world, new beginnings, truth, and even astral travel) anything water related can be utilized but not mandatory to practice.
Floral Water: Steep flowers for magical and beautiful water. Depending on the flowers will depend on the magical property.
Herbal Water: Boil hers, let it cool and can be placed in a spray bottle or bowl
Holy Water: 3 pinches of salt and swirl it 3 times (Clockwise/Deosil = to invoke or a positive reaction. Counterclockwise/Widdershin = to banish)
Himalayan Pink Salt: Healing
Black Salt: Protection/Shadow work/Banish
Sea Salt: Ocean Energy
Moon Water: Place spring or purified water in the moonlight you can add crystals to enrich with their properties, ingest the water the next morning, place at your alter or use in a spray
Shielding: If you are in a situation or talking to a person with unwanted energy, you can visualize a water fall or a layer of water between you and a person. I personally use an energy bubble and as a water zodiac my bubble is made of water or ice!
Cleansing or Purification Shower/Bath: Personal favorite of mine! Allow the shower water to wash away any unwanted energies or situations. A bath can do the same as its drawing it out unwanted energy and then allow it to go down the drain. Example of Herb Recipe: 1 pinch vervain, 2 pinces hyssop, 3 pinches ground white rose petals, 1 tsp of basking soda, 1 cup Epsom salt, 1 pinch seal salt. Mix into a bled clockwise to bless them and seeing a white light. Submerge into the water.)
Whew I know so much exciting information on the uses of water! Listen to your intuition, feel free to look into other sources as these are guidelines I have personally learned through texts including Water Witchcraft by Annnwyn Avalon. Be safe, have fun, make it your own and as always fall in love with your journey!