Meditation For Beginners
Meditation is a daunting task for some because so many believe you must achieve complete stillness and quite of the mind or you are doing it right. Well friends we aren’t Buddha we just aren’t and that is okay. You can still meditate! Washing the dishes can be considered meditation. Weird right? Society is designed to keep us in a state of anxiousness and stress. Learning this tool can be a complete game changer so let me break down six easy steps for you to learn how to meditate and just chill the eff out!
Take a seat, do the dishes, lay down, take a bath whatever you choose (please do not drive or put yourself in a dangerous situation)
Close your eyes (unless doing may wanna keep them open for that)
Gently exhale any breath you have in your body
Take a slow deep inhale
Exhale slowly, we aren’t blowing out a candle
Repeat for as long as you like
(Extra Credit: If you are feeling a negative emotion, stress or tension in the body, on the inhale imagine it being collected in a tight circle like a ball of garbage. On the exhale, envision the ball leaving your body. Since what we put out we attract, give gratitude for the lesson and release with love. Affirm: “I now release what no longer serves me with love and gratitude”
IT IS OKAY AND NORMAL FOR YOUR MIND TO WANDER! When it happens gently guide yourself back to noticing you breath. The inhale, the exhale and the rise and fall of your chest. Allow yourself time and space to learn and become better at this practice. I found guided meditations to be extremely helpful. Enjoy your practice my friends. Namaste.