Shadow Work Journal Prompts
Shadow work can have a scary reputation and many people aren’t sure where to even start. Diving in and uncovering the repressed or ignored allows you to love and accept yourself fully.
I have listed examples of prompts for your journals to assist in the journey of shadow work. These are just examples and this is your journey of self so feel free to explore and add on to your journal.
What is the biggest lie I tell myself consistently? Why do I lie to myself about this?
When am I the hardest on myself and why? What part of my upbringing may this be connected to?
When has someone broken my trust? How has this effected me? What would I say to this person if they were standing in front of me?
When was a time I did not feel cared for? How did I handle the situation? How does it effect me today? Am I holding onto anger and resentment? Am I able to forgive them?
What makes me feel envious? Why do I feel envious? Do I feel like I cannot have what I desire? Was there someone in my life that did not believe in me?
What traits do my parents have that I hope I do not?
What do I feel my most toxic traits are? Do I project them onto others, if so how?
What scares me the most about my future?
Do I hold grudges against myself? If so, what is the biggest grudge I hold against myself for?
Do I believe I deserve to be happy? If not, why?
When was a time I felt unloved or unwanted? How has this effected me? Do I forgive this person?