What is a dream?
There are many different answers to this question. For the purpose of this blog, dreams are messages from the soul, messages from your higher power, communication with your guides, warnings, a specific memory needing attention to heal, a trait you need to evolve etc. In summary, dreams are messages to help you evolve to your highest timeline.
Stase Michaels wrote “we live two lives: an outer life of actions and an inner hidden life of emotion and thought. The inner and outer parts are mediated by the psyche. Thus this equation equals the relationship of mind, body and soul.” Diving deeper, when an event happens in the outer self and makes the inner self feel an emotion that is not fully processed, your psyche puts a pin in it and later when you dream forces you to revisit the pinned note to review and process. Your psyche is you, your inner voices, your conscious, your subconscious or the soul. The events that do not need pinned for further healing work are stored as memory.
Your psyche communicates with you in images because our brain is wired to link thoughts, memories and experiences with an image created in the minds eye. So when our body is in a state of full relaxation it allows the walls to come down, we can view these messages and utilize them as intended.
Nightmares ironically are one of your best teachers in the dream state. Nightmares are constructive messages, mirrors of internal fears/anxieties, guides screaming a message at you. Stress, trauma, unveiling a negative character trait or in a rare occasion a warning. An example of a constructive nightmare message is dreaming of someone or something chasing you and in the dream you are running away, but you just don’t feel fast enough. This is most likely not literal of you not feeling fast, but instead you avoiding something or someone and the act of avoiding the situation out of fear is catching up to you and you need to face it. Dreams and nightmares are metaphors!
Can’t Remember My Dreams
It happens. Your guides didn’t forget about you do not panic! Stress, unable to enter REM sleep, drugs, alcohol, nothing to review (unlikely - we dream 4-6x per night) or your body is not programmed and just needs assistance. For starters, getting enough sleep is crucial! Performing a before sleep ritual I have found helps tremendously. (Example: Play with this and make it your own: claim that you WILL remember your dreams, call upon your guides to assist, spray lavender on your pillow, meditate before bed to get in the state of relaxation and keep a dream journal handy for immediately in the morning).
See the blog Dream Journals for more tips and insight on how to decode your dream messages.